Opportunity Alert: The "Billionaire's Currency" Forget stocks, bonds and mutual funds. There's a better (and easier) way to make money in today's "crippled economy." I'll show you how it's possible to turn every dollar you own into $10.92. That's a 992% return... good enough to turn $5,000 into $49,600 and $10,000 into $99,200. Dear Reader, There's a global money phenomenon happening right now that's turning average people into millionaires, even billionaires. Yet you won't read about it in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today or most other newspapers for that matter. You won't even hear about it on TV. That's because the media is focused on the demise of the dollar, the decline of the euro and the rise of China as the next economic superpower. And while these might make for good headlines, they won't make you rich. You see, the real road to wealth lies in a country's currency that is so valuable, I call it the "billionaire's currency." This currency was responsible for 175 billionaires in 2010. That works out to one new billionaire every two days! Not only does this country have a huge number of billionaires, there are almost 35 millionaires for every 1,000 people living there. But you don't need to live in this country to get rich yourself. You can take advantage of the billionaire's currency from right here in the United States. In this letter I'll show you how it's possible to turn every dollar you own into $10.92. That's a 992% return on your money and much more than you can make investing in stocks, bonds or mutual funds. I'll also tell you all about this billionaire's currency, including what it is, why it is considered one of the safest currencies on the planet and how you can use it to make your own fortune. Not only that, but I'll show you how you can do all of this without leaving the comfort of your home and without putting a lot of money at risk. What's more, you can use the billionaire's currency regardless of your age, income or financial know-how. But first let me introduce myself and tell you why I'm sending you this letter. Avoid Economic Devastation My name is Sandy Franks. I'm the author of the highly acclaimed book, Barbarians of Wealth, which exposes the dirty deeds, back-door deals and cover-ups of Wall Street corporations, the banking industry and Washington politicians. I'm also the head of a 22-year-old financial publishing firm, Taipan Publishing Group, located in Baltimore, MD. If the word Taipan sounds familiar it's probably because of James Clavell's best-selling novel, Tai-Pan. Taipan is the Chinese word used to describe wealthy businessmen who are the head honchos or bosses of large companies. The early taipans were hard-working men who came from countries like Britain, the USA and India, and who built immense fortunes from scratch. They were also referred to as "merchant princes," because they forged their own paths to financial freedom. Much like the original taipans, the goal of my publishing company is to teach ordinary people how to become wealthy. In order to achieve that goal, I have a staff of the most knowledgeable and experienced moneymaking experts available including: A stock market genius who controlled $1 billion worth of equities; A hedge fund manager who managed a private fund valued at $100 million; An international investment banker who has met or advised dignitaries around the world including the ex-prime minister of Ireland and the king of Liechtenstein; A financial investigative journalist whose work won him a Pulitzer Prize candidacy; A brilliant options strategist who spent years trading options right on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange; A quad mathematician who can calculate your odds of success down to the last decimal point; A commodities broker who helped his clients make hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits; An entrepreneur who has generated over $500 million and can teach you how to start your own successful business; A currency expert who has developed a patent pending program that detects tiny fluctuations in the world-wide currency market; A charting expert who has predicted with over 83% accuracy which direction the markets will move; And so many more. I'm telling you this not to brag, but to show that we can help you amass a fortune, which brings me to why you are receiving this letter. Our records indicate that you are the kind of person who is interested in learning how to make a lot of money for yourself and your family, but you want to do it safely and without taking unnecessary risks. If learning how to forge your own path to financial freedom is important to you (just as it was to the early taipans) then I urge you to keep reading this letter. On the other hand, if you are not interested in making a lot of money or learning how to control your own financial destiny, then you can simply delete this letter from your inbox. I wish you all the luck in the world in avoiding the economic woes most people will likely suffer in the next several months and years. That's because the U.S. is facing several economic woes including a dollar that is on the verge of collapse, nearly double-digit unemployment and a record number of foreclosures. Whatever money you've managed to save will be in jeopardy as our government leaders struggle with solutions for these problems. So you can choose to take your chances, and assume that everything will work out just fine. Or you can do something right now that could have a positive impact on your financial future forever. The World's Safest Currency By now you are probably wondering, what is the billionaire's currency? Well, you'll probably be surprised when I tell you it is the Swiss franc. The Swiss franc, the currency of Switzerland, enjoys the honor of being considered one of the world's safest currencies. The Swiss have known for centuries that the secrets to building wealth are a sound currency and secure banking. In fact Swiss banks are legendary for their security and secrecy. But that's not all. The Swiss have kept the value of the Swiss franc strong in the face of the global economic crisis. That's because the country has very little political turmoil. But it's also because the country has low inflation. MTB International says, "The Swiss franc is historically the most inflation-resistant currency in the world." But why is such low inflation important? Because inflation destroys the value of your money, which means you can't buy as much as you once were able to do. R.J. Barry Jones, writing for the Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy, says, "Inflation reduces the purchasing power of all who hold money." North Carolina State University economist Mike Walden explains it best. Professor Walden says, "Higher inflation means that we have to get that much more out of our job to stay even. In other words, if the inflation rate is 5 percent a year that means you've got to get a 5 percent pay raise just to keep pace with rising costs." In the U.S. the dollar has lost 95% of its purchasing power. But in Switzerland it is a different story. Switzerland has remained a stable economy with relatively low unemployment, a highly skilled labor force and a larger GDP per capita than most other Western European economies and the U.S. What's more, according to Darrell Aviss and Larry Chambers, the authors of Strategies for Protecting Wealth, the Swiss franc has maintained its value better than any other major currency in the world. The authors also say that "no other currency comes close to the performance of the Swiss franc." In fact while the U.S. dollar has begun declining in value, the Swiss franc appreciated 252% against the dollar from 1974-2006. (Of course, there is no guarantee the Swiss franc will always outperform the dollar. Currencies are affected by many economic conditions and can change at any time.) Just take a look at the chart below and you'll see what I'm talking about: ![Swiss Franc vs U.S. Dollar graph]() A recent article in Bloomberg.com quotes one economist as saying the Swiss franc "stands out as the haven currency of choice." The Wall Street Journal says the Swiss franc "benefits from sound public finances... and independent economic strength." And Giovanni Staunovo, strategist for the huge global bank, UBS AG says, "The security of the franc is based on the monetary, political and social stability of Switzerland. Unlike some other nations, Switzerland is not battling high levels of debt." Mr. Staunovo is right. The Swiss franc is so strong that if you had invested $100,000 into a Swiss annuity in 1971 earning just 4.5% instead of leaving your money in U.S. dollars, 33 years later that investment would be worth $1.5 million. (Of course, there is no guarantee the Swiss franc will always outperform the dollar. Currencies are affected by many economic conditions and can change at any time.) Rich People Everywhere There's something else about Switzerland that most people don't know. Although the country itself has always been considered one of the world's wealthiest nations, there are rich people everywhere. BusinessWeek ranks Switzerland No. 7 on the list of countries with the most millionaires: 283,000 to be exact. That means at least 8.4% of the people living in Switzerland are millionaires. And that's not all. In the 2010 edition of Ben Campbell's "Swiss Billionaires List," 175 Swiss billionaires were listed. In fact, it's one of the country's best-kept secrets. That's why I call the Swiss franc, the billionaire's currency. But how does this help you get rich? A Faster Return on Your Money As I mentioned earlier, you could have put $100,000 in a Swiss annuity earning 4.5% and you'd be up $1.5 million. Although that's a great return, the thing is, it would have taken you years to do it. With the problems we face here in the U.S. from a spiraling out-of-control debt, nearly double-digit unemployment and a record number of foreclosures, the last thing you want to do is wait years to make a lot of money, especially if you're thinking about retiring anytime soon. This means you need a way to speed up your gains. The good news is there's a way you can do exactly that. In this letter I'll show you how it's possible to turn every dollar you own into as much as $10.92. I'm talking about trading the Swiss franc against other major currencies such as the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Aussie... even the British pound. If hearing the words "trading currencies" makes you nervous, I understand. That's how most people react. They think currency trading (also known as the Forex market) is too difficult... or too risky. But they are WRONG. The reality is currency trading isn't as difficult as you think. Any one can learn how to do it regardless of their level of education, how much money they have or their financial know-how. Just ask Hoosain Harneker. Hoosain like many people knew very little about the Forex market. Yet he managed to become a currency millionaire. And one of his most profitable trades happened to be the Swiss franc. Is It Possible to Turn $1,000 Into a Million Dollars? Hoosain lived most of his life in South Africa. He attended college with the hopes of one day having his own business. And it looked like his dream was coming true. Hoosain managed to save up enough money to start a partnership with a friend. But things didn't work out well for the two. After a few years, their business was failing. When the partnership turned sour, Hoosain was left with nothing. He was flat-out broke. Not only that, but he was heavily in debt. He didn't want to borrow money because that would have only put him deeper in debt. He needed to make a lot of money, and he needed to do it fast. One day, a friend told him he should consider trading currencies. Although Hoosain had heard about the Forex market, he didn't know much about it. So his friend e-mailed him the details on the Forex trading system he was using to make money trading currencies. Hoosain decided to give it a try. After all, the system seemed simple enough. But there was just one problem. Hoosain didn't have any money. He was broke and did not even have a few hundred dollars to use for trading. But Hoosain was intrigued by the possibility of making a lot of money trading currencies. So he decided to save up $1,000. It took Hoosain almost seven months to save up enough money to open a trading account. His One and Only Chance This was his one and only chance. You see, Hoosain had promised his wife that if he lost the $1,000 he had saved, he would never trade again. Following the system his friend used, Hoosain began trading slowly... one trade at a time. This way he could control how much money he put at risk. He had a very disciplined approach, and it paid off. He managed to make enough money to get out of debt. What's even more amazing is that, within one year, Hoosain was a currency millionaire. From that moment on, he was hooked on the Forex market. One of Hoosain's most profitable trades was back in 2005, when he thought the U.S. dollar would outperform the Swiss franc. He put $7 million into the trade. For many people that seems outrageous and risky. But remember, Hoosain uses a very disciplined approach and never puts money into a trade that he doesn't think will pay off. He doesn't make money on every single trade, but he wins more times than he looses. And on this trade, he won big. Hoosain held his position for eight days. When the dollar approached the value of 1.2737 against the Swiss franc, he exited the trade for a whopping $2 million profit. (Individual results may vary. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.) Can this happen to you? Is it really possible to start with $1,000 and turn it into $1 million or more? You bet. That's what happened for Bruce Kovner. Bruce started trading the Forex market in 1977. Bruce was a taxi cab driver. He had very little money. So, he used his credit card to fund $3,000 into his trading account. Over the years, he became one of the richest men in the world. His net worth is now around $4.1 billion. Or what about Richard Dennis? He started with an initial investment of just $400 in the currency market. He generated over a $200 million fortune. Of course, these are extraordinary gains. I can't promise you'll have this kind of success. But my purpose in telling you these stories is so that you understand you don't need a lot of money to make a fortune in the Forex market. You can start with as little as $400 as Richard did... or even $1,000 like Hoosain Harneker. And you don't need to be an experienced trader to strike it rich either. Remember Bruce was a cab driver and had very little experience with the Forex market when he started. The real truth is, to make money trading currencies, you simply need the right approach and you need to know when to get in and out of a trade. Here, at the Taipan Publishing Group, we're going to teach you both of these. A Different Way to Make Money Look, I'll be completely honest with you. We haven't lasted for over 20 years by chasing fly-by-night trends. Instead, we've taken a conservative, disciplined, meticulous approach, and shown our readers the safest and most surefire ways to play emerging opportunities. That's exactly how we've approached the currency market... In fact, we spent 3 1/2 years conducting extensive research on various currency trading programs. I can tell you right now, there are a lot of currency/Forex systems out there. Problem is, when you dig beneath the surface, nearly every single one of these systems is based on "institutional trading." In other words, they are geared for big firms like Goldman Sachs... Deutsche Bank or JPMorgan. Quite frankly, these programs are too risky, too time-intensive and just too complicated for individual investors. The result? Folks who try them typically burn out quickly... give up out of frustration... or lose large sums of money in a very short period of time. This is why most people think that currency trading is difficult. But we took a different approach. Our goal was to create a simple, easy-to-follow, low-risk program that required a minimal amount of time but yielded incredible results. At the same time, we wanted a program that was designed specifically for individuals... a program that would allow ordinary folks to start with a small initial investment... and still have the potential to become currency millionaires. In order to create an advisory service like this, we needed someone who had "walked the walk," someone who had proven his ability to make money in the currency markets. Not once or twice... but year after year after year... Most important, we wanted someone who could show our readers how to turn tiny currency fluctuations into big profits of $1,000 per day... $25,000 per month... even $1 million per year. As you can imagine, there are probably only a handful of people on the planet who met our criteria. We dispatched our staff to places like Morocco, Vietnam, Singapore, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Chile, Argentina, Denmark, France, Albania, Russia, Vancouver, Germany, the U.K. and Australia. After tens of thousands of miles of travel... exhaustive research... and extensive interviews... we finally found our answer. In fact, I'm proud to announce that we signed an exclusive contract with perhaps the single most talented and astute currency trader on the planet. Your Inside Edge Meet Michael Sankowski, the brain behind our currency advisory service, Currency Profits Trader... There are three main reasons why I knew Michael was the perfect person to lead Currency Profits Trader. First, Michael has traded in over 60 financial markets worldwide. From a hedge fund player in London... to a market maker in Chicago... and just about every place in between... Michael has used his expertise to dominate the currency markets. His background, life experiences and expansive trading network give him a global perspective unavailable to most currency traders. He has a razor-sharp sense for how geopolitical and economic events impact the currency markets. Consequently, he is able to recognize opportunities long before most traders even have a clue. Second, Michael has an uncanny level of skill when it comes to complex market analysis. He's a CFA Charterholder (chartered financial analyst) and a CAIA (chartered alternative investment analyst) with a background in physics and quantitative mathematics. His analytical prowess is so extraordinary, in fact, that he holds a U.S. patent pending (#20090210336) for a futures trading process! Bottom line: Michael's analytical skills give him a highly disciplined approach to trading... and make him nearly unbeatable in the currency markets. That brings us to the third, and most important, reason we believe Michael is the ideal currency trader... He's Executed Thousands of Currency Trades! As I mentioned, our research determined that most Forex systems are based on "institutional trading." In other words, they are geared for firms like Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs or JPMorgan. But our most active readers are individuals. So, in order to create a premier currency advisory service, we needed someone who understood... on a gut level... how to succeed as an individual currency trader. Michael has seen both sides. He's worked for major trading companies and he's perfected the art of trading for his own personal account. He understands the mindset of the individual investor... and he's used his analytical and mathematical skills to thrive as a currency trader... In fact, Michael has executed thousands of currency trades... and he understands what it takes to succeed and thrive in the Forex market. He has been wildly successful during his 15 years as a trader. While it would be unfair for me to divulge to you his personal financial situation, I can tell you this: The money he has made in the currency market is SUBSTANTIAL... In fact, he's been so successful, Michael doesn't work a nine-to-five job. He doesn't spend hours stuck in traffic commuting to an office every day taking orders from a boss who isn't nearly as smart as he is. But the important thing to understand is this: Michael has spent the last 15 years developing a currency strategy that is ideal for beginners. Why Now Is the Best Time to Make a Fortune in the Currency Market Whether you are new to trading currencies or have been doing it for a few years, there's no better time to be in the Forex market than right now. To call this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity would be an understatement of epic proportions. This is quite literally a once in human-history opportunity that will create a flood of new currency millionaires. Why? Well, as you recall the financial crisis of 2008-2009 pushed the global economy to the brink of total meltdown. In an effort to rescue the financial system, 43 countries from around the world pumped massive -- and I mean MASSIVE -- amounts of money into the global economy. During the past two years billions of dollars in Chinese yuan... Japanese yen... Russian rubles... Mexican pesos... euros... Indian rupees... South African rands... British pounds... have flooded the markets. The U.S. dumped $700 billion through its TARP program, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke authorized another $600 billion. All these governments are hoping this money will spur consumer spending, lower interest rates so business can borrow money and hire people, and put the global economy on a fast track to not just recovery but growth. Now, we can't say for certain whether it will work, but one thing is for sure: All of this money floating around is creating ripples in the global currency market. Although undetectable to the untrained eye... EVEN THE SMALLEST of these ripples offer the opportunity to double, triple or quadruple your money. In many cases, traders are seeing potential multimillion-dollar gains on a daily basis. The only other time an opportunity even close to this magnitude occurred... was in 1992... when the British government used aggressive fiscal policy to prop up the British pound. At that time, legendary currency trader George Soros made roughly $1 billion... $1 BILLION!... in a single week by plundering the pound. As you can imagine, savvy institutional investors are gearing up for a big payday. According to The Wall Street Journal, big hedge funds are already getting in position for what could be a "career" trade... "This is an opportunity... to make a lot of money," says Hans Hufschmid, a former Salomon Brothers currency trader who made over $28 million in a single year in the Forex market. And here's the good news for you... You Can Tap Into the World's Biggest Money Bazaar No doubt you've heard about the Forex market and often wondered if it's possible for the average guy to make not just a few hundred dollars, but a few thousand. And the answer is, YES, it is possible. I already told you how Hoosain Harneker, Bruce Kovner and Richard Dennis turned a few hundred dollars into a multimillion-dollar fortune. They aren't the only people who have found their fortunes in the Forex market. So have people like: Eric Rose of Riverside, CA, made an extra $217,822 in just 18 weeks in the Forex market. Bruce Ryan of Toronto, Canada, made an extra $192,112 in profits in just four months in the Forex market. Eli Thomas of Hot Springs, Ark., made a handsome sum of $234,530... in just 20 weeks... in the Forex market. Arthur Dunn of Harrisonburg, VA, racked up $184,982 in about three months in the Forex market. Carson Tate of Jacksonville, FL, pulled in $207,493 in just three months in the Forex market. While these are great success stories, I can't guarantee you'll have the same results. No one can do that. But these people's successes show you what is possible. So what makes the Forex market so special? It's the world's biggest money bazaar where money flows back and forth from one country to another every day of the week, every minute of the day. So Simple a Sixth Grader Can Do It You might be surprised when I tell you that you've probably already traded currencies, but just didn't know you were participating in the Forex market.Here's what I mean. Let's say you're going on vacation in a foreign country. You need spending money for your trip, but you can't use U.S. dollars. You have to exchange your U.S. dollars for that country's currency. Most tourists do this at the traveler's international currency exchange windows at the airport's international terminal. And while you weren't trying to make a million dollars when you exchanged your U.S. dollars into a different currency, this is considered a very basic form of currency trading. But here's the thing: That money doesn't stay in the exchange window's cash registers. It now becomes part of the international banking system where brokers, traders and bankers are trading the foreign dollars they receive back into their native currencies. It happens on a large-scale basis too where countries are buying foreign goods from another country. But in order to execute the transaction, they have to exchange their currency into another country's currency. This means money is flowing out of one country and into another. Go to any major city in the world... New York, London, Tokyo, Bombay, Istanbul and the same process is carried out over and over again. The point is billions of dollars flow back and forth across national borders every hour, passed by hand, by orders on the phone or the click of a computer button. In fact an average of $1.5 trillion is traded every day. That dwarfs the daily volume of the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq, the FTSE, the DAX and the Tokyo Nikkei combined! Buried in this daily exchange of money, there are hidden opportunities for the average investor to make a fortune. The thing is, traditionally, access to the Forex market had been restricted to major corporations, hedge fund managers and international bankers because the requirement for trading was a minimum of as much as $10 million. It was simply impossible for the individual investor to compete with "the big boys" on a level playing field. But since 1990, with the rise of the Internet and trading accounts being moved online, the Forex market has now become accessible to individual investors. Anyone, regardless of his financial know-how, skill or education level -- even how much money he has -- can open a Forex trading account with an initial investment of as little as $2,000. This means the little guy can make a fortune trading currencies. Why not let it be you? Get Rich One Trade at a Time Now that you understand a little more about how the Forex market works, let me tell you how we're going to show you how you could amass a small fortune of your own. The first thing you have to understand is that currencies always trade in pairs. That means, whenever you enter a currency trade, there are two currencies involved. Remember our example of exchanging money at the traveler's international currency exchange window? One currency is exchanged for another. It works the same way in the Forex market. One currency is paired up with another currency. Except that instead of paying a fee to simply exchange the currency, you are deciding whether the value of a certain currency is going to be higher or lower than another currency. But there's a hidden secret to currency trading that lets you magically multiply your winnings. The Hidden Secret of Currency Trading Here's what can make currency trading so much more lucrative than buying stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Experts call it leverage, and for small amounts of money you can control thousands of dollars worth of currencies, usually as much as $100,000 worth of a single currency. The truth is the Forex market offers the greatest leverage of any market. Leverage in trading currencies is similar to how a down payment works when you buy a house. Say you want to buy a house that sells for $250,000. The bank might require that you put a minimum down payment of $25,000. It's having that minimum down payment that allows many people to buy a home without having to save up for the full amount of the mortgage. It works the same way in currency trading, except that, to control $100,000 worth of currencies, all you need to put in your trading account is $2,000 (or just 2%). Let me show you how leverage multiplies your money. Let's suppose the pair of currencies you want to trade is the euro and U.S. dollar, which is referred to as EUR/USD currency pair. At the time you get into the trade, the value of the euro is $1.2370. Now, let's say one week later, the value of the euro rises to $1.2670 and you decide to exit the trade. How much money did you make? Well, take the exit price of $1.2670 and subtract the buying price of $1.2370 and you get .0300. But since you were controlling $100,000 worth of the euro, you multiply .0300 by 100,000 and you get 3,000. You made $3,000 on this trade. But we have to subtract your $2,000 down payment to calculate your true profit. So $2,000 subtracted from the $3,000 means you made $1,000. And you made it in just about a week's time. Not bad, right? If you made one trade a week like this, at the end of a year you would have earned $52,000. You have to admit, that's a pretty good return considering you made this money simply by executing one trade a week, which probably took less than 15 minutes. Now let's say you feel very comfortable with the knowledge you've gained trading currencies, and you decide to increase the number of trades you make each week from one to three. That $1,000 now turns into $156,000 a year. Is a Million-Dollar Fortune Possible? Of course, it's only fair that I mention you probably won't get every trade right. No one does. So let's assume that 70% of your trades are winners. That means instead of earning $156,000 a year, you're earning $109,200. That's still a lot of money for spending less than 15 minutes on each trade. But your goal is to become a currency millionaire right? Let me show you how that is possible. Remember earlier when I explained leverage and that for $2,000 you could control $100,000 worth of a currency? Well, for $20,000, you can control $1,000,000 worth of a currency. This means instead of investing $2,000 in each trade, you now decide to invest $20,000 into your trades. That multiplies your winnings 10 times over. So instead of earning $109,200 you would now earn $1,092,000 making you a currency millionaire. You didn't increase the number of trades and your winning percentage is still 70%. The only difference is the amount of money you invested. Do you see how it's possible to become a currency millionaire? Now of course the scenario I just showed you is a hypothetical example. But the point I want to make is that you can amass a fortune trading currencies. Hoosain Harneker did it. So did Bruce Kovner and Richard Dennis. There's no reason why you can't do the same. Is Currency Trading Really That Easy? Even though I've just shown you how it's possible to start with $2,000 and turn it into a million-dollar fortune, some people still can't believe it's that easy. But nothing could be further from the truth. Michael Archer and James Bickford in their best-selling book, Getting Started in Currency Trading: Winning in Today's Hottest Marketplace, say all you need to trade currencies is information, a computer with a reliable high-speed Internet connection and a small grubstake. What's more, you don't need financial know-how or a college degree either. Joseph Lewis was a high-school dropout. At age 15, Joseph was forced to drop out of school to work in his father's catering business. He didn't start currency trading until he was 33 years old. When his father died, Joseph sold the family business and used the money to try his hand at currency trading. With nothing more than sheer determination to succeed, Joseph made a fortune trading currencies. In fact, he, along with George Soros and a few other currency traders, made one of the single biggest currency trades when they bet against the British pound in 1992. I can't promise you'll make a multimillion-dollar fortune like Joseph did. But I can tell you that learning to trade currencies isn't as difficult as you think. In fact, I think your chances are even better than when Joseph started out... or Hoosain Harneker or even Bruce Kovner for that matter. That's because our very own currency expert, Michael Sankowski, is going to show you step by step how to turn currency trading into your secret weapon for financial success. He'll recommend what currency pairs to trade, how much to pay, when to get in the trade and when to get out. With Michael as your "teacher," you'll never feel in the dark or unsure what to do. Michael provides explicit instructions, making it easier for you to grab the opportunity to become a currency millionaire. You'll look forward to every recommendation. That's one of the many reasons members love Michael's service. Just listen to what these Currency Profits Trader members had to say: Lorene E. writes, "I currently subscribe to Currency Profits Trader. First I would like to say that I absolutely love it! Please tell Michael he is awesome! Thank you Taipan for offering this service/opportunity! I would like to make sure that I am automatically going to be billed to keep my subscription current." Or how about member R. Cleverley who wrote to say, "Well, one day into your first recommendation, and you're looking like a genius. Well done. Keep up the good work!" And member Charles A. says, "I am very much looking forward to the future with the guidance of Michael Sankowski. So far he seems to be ticking all the boxes for me." Member G. Ratti said, "Your background looks most impressive and I'm looking forward to using your recommendations to make profits trading the currencies." There's just a handful of the letters we have on file from members of Michael's service. I'm sharing them with you so you'll realize just how easy you could be able to step into currency trading. If these people can do it... so can you! But not only does Michael make currency trading easy to understand, he shows you how you can limit your losses. If you follow his recommendations, you won't win on every trade you make -- no one ever does -- but Michael will show you how to keep your losses to a minimum using a proven risk-control strategy. Look, the truth is, the best way for you to see the power of Michael's service is to try it for yourself. The good news is, you can have your first detailed trading recommendation e-mailed to you within the next 72 hours. Swiss Franc Riches As soon as you join Michael's service, Currency Profits Trader, you'll get all the trading details on what he calls the, "Swiss Franc Rags-to-Riches Trade." There's still time to get in on this play. But you'll need to act fast. You see, lately the currency markets have been moving up and down. Investors and traders are worried about the strength of the U.S. dollar and whether European nations can save the euro. With this much turmoil, the Swiss franc is becoming a "favored" currency of investors and traders. You see in times of uncertainty, money moves to countries that have low debt, very little inflation and very low unemployment. That's exactly what Switzerland offers. What's more, Switzerland had a balanced budget in 2010, and unlike its European counterparts, it is not at risk of defaulting. That's why, throughout most of last year, investors and currency traders started buying the Swiss franc. But the situation won't stay that way for long. You see, Switzerland is a small country. This means it doesn't have a lot of Swiss francs on-hand. And unlike the U.S., it just can't go off and print more money. So this creates a problem. If too many people begin trading the Swiss franc, then it is in danger of losing its value. Even Switzerland's National Bank president Philipp Hildebrand agrees. Mr. Hildebrand recently said, "The Swiss franc continues to be one of the world's most important currencies. But it is difficult for foreign central banks to make long-term investments into the Swiss franc, because the Swiss capital market is very small." Taipan's currency expert Michael Sankowski thinks investors only have a few weeks to make their money trading the Swiss franc. That's why if you want to make money tra |